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Flying Cloud (Visit this link)

Fun Bahamas sailing tour for all ages

On Paradise Island, board this 57-ft sailing catamaran for a romantic 21⁄2-hr evening cruise 6pm Mon, Wed & Fri. Wine and tropical cocktails from the cash bar are a perfect accompaniment to the complimentary hot and cold hors d’oeuvres. The five-hour Sunday Cruise to Rose Island departs at 10am and combines snorkelling over a spectacular reef, games and relaxing on the beautiful beach with a delicious Bahamian lunch. Private charter full-day and dinner cruises also available. Cruises depart from the Paradise Island Ferry Terminal. Children three to 11 cruise at half price. Round-trip transportation to the boat included. For reservations and information call 394-5067, book at your hotel’s tour desk or visit Book early as space is limited.

Phone: 242-394-5067 | Fax: 242-394-5068 |
PO Box: SS-19052
Ferry Terminal, Paradise Island, Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas

E-Mail: Click here


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An excellent tour 0 out of 5 stars

System administrator

Reviewed by: Admin, Apr 1 2011 4:01PM

Flying Cloud is an excellent Bahamas sailing tour. If you want a fun filled family cruise, then this 57 foot catamaran is just the answer.
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